
Veb prenosi i događaji

Second Quarter 2024 Results Conference Call and Webcast

  • Predstojeći Događaji
  • Prošli Događaji
    • 15 - 18.09.
      Američki forum o zlatu

      Rukovodstvo kompanije DPM će prisustvovati godišnjem Američkom forumu o zlatu u Kolorado Springsu, Kolorado. Link za veb prenos će biti postavljen kada se približi datum događaja.

      Second Quarter 2024 Results Conference Call and Webcast

      On Friday, August 2, 2024, at 9 AM EDT, DPM will host a conference call and audio webcast to discuss the results, followed by a question-and-answer session. Access via the webcast.

      Conference call date and time: Friday, August 2, 2024 at 9AM EDT

      Call registration: https://register.vevent.com/register/BI402a5a6075e34d7fb9d6c79f79329cd9

      Webcast link: https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/osjb3oe7

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      08 - 09.05.
      First Quarter 2024 Operating and Financial Results Conference Call and Webcast

      On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, at 9 AM EST, DPM will host a conference call and audio webcast to discuss the results, followed by a question-and-answer session. To participate via conference call, register in advance at the link below to receive the dial-in information as well as a personalized PIN code to access the call.


      Conference call date and time: Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 9AM EST


      Call registration: https://register.vevent.com/register/BIa97e3e910a25448498c48dff4e106248


      Webcast link: https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/kkupfbiu


      Replay Archive will be available on www.dundeeprecious.com

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      08 - 09.05.
      2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders

      DPM’s Annual & Special Meeting of Shareholders will be Wedneday, May 8, 2024, at 4:00 PM EST and will be conducted virtually via a live webcast.


      Webcast date and time: Wednesday, May 8, 2024, 4:00 PM EST.
      Webcast link: https://meetnow.global/MDRZUTV
      Replay: Archive will be available on www.dundeeprecious.com
      Meeting Materials: Available on www.dundeeprecious.com under Investor Centre

      09 - 11.04.
      Evropski forum o zlatu

      Rukovodstvo kompanije DPM će prisustvovati godišnjem Evropskom forumu o zlatu koji se održava u Cirihu, Švajcarska. Link za veb prenos će biti postavljen kada se približi datum događaja.

      03 - 06.03.
      Udruženje istraživača i razvojnih inženjera Kanade 2024.

      DPM će biti domaćin štanda na berzi investitora tokom godišnje PDAC konvencije u Torontu, Kanada.

      25 - 28.02.
      Globalna konferencija o metalima, rudarstvu i kritičnim mineralima u organizaciji BMO

      Generalni direktor David Rej će se predstaviti na BMO konferenciji. Veb prenos događaja biće objavljen kada se približi datum događaja.

      Konferencijski poziv i veb prenos rezultata za četvrto tromesečje i celu 2023. godinu

      U četvrtak, 15. februara 2024. godine u 9:00 EST, kompanija DPM će upriličiti konferencijski poziv i audio veb prenos kako bi se razgovaralo o rezultatima, nakon čega će uslediti sesija pitanja i odgovora. Da biste učestvovali putem konferencijskog poziva, registrujte se unapred na niže datom linku da biste primili informacije za pozivanje, kao i personalizovani PIN kod za pristup pozivu.

      Datum i vreme konferencijskog poziva: četvrtak, 15. februar 2024. godine, 9:00 EST

      Registracija za prijem poziva https://register.vevent.com/register/BI2f1b2b37a16c46f292406a55aa975fb9


      Link za veb prenos https://edge.media-server.com/mmc/p/puvx88fn


      Arhiva za ponovnu reprodukciju snimka poziva će biti dostupna na www.dundeeprecious.com

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    • 28 - 29.11.
      25. godišnja rudarska konferencija u organizaciji Scotiabank
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      17 - 20.09.
      Američki forum o zlatu

      Dundee Precious Metals će učestvovati na Američkom forumu o zlatu 2023. godine u Kolorado Springsu, Kolorado.

    • 18 - 21.09.
      Gold Forum Americas

      DPM will be participating in this year's Gold Forum Americas in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A webcast of CEO David Rae's presentation will be available following the conference on September 21.

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      09 - 10.06.
      RBC Capital Markets Global Mining and Materials Conference
    • 30 - 01.12.
      Scotiabank Mining Conference

      DPM will be participating in the 2021 Scotiabank Mining Conference, including a fireside chat moderated by Scotiabank analyst Trevor Turnbull.

      16 - 17.11.
      RBC Capital Markets Global Mining and Materials Conference

      On Tuesday, November 16, President & CEO David Rae will be participating in a fireside chat moderated by RBC analyst Wayne Lam at 1:30PM EST.

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